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Terms and Condition of Retirement Journey

  • I agree that I have read the disclaimer and I agree that ICICI Bank Limited (“ICICI Bank”) will collect personal and sensitive personal information about me and my family such as my name, age, my family’s income, my marital status, details of amounts invested and the type of investments made by me (“Information”)
  • I represent and confirm that I have the authority to provide consents on my family’s behalf and therefore hereby voluntarily provide my consent to ICICI Bank to use the Information to provide me with ICICI Bank’s Golden Years Retirement Planning Programme (“Programme”).
  • I further agree that ICICI Bank may share the Information with its agents, representatives, assigns and subsidiaries to provide me with services under the Programme and I hereby provide my consent for such disclosure. I understand that I can choose to not provide my consent for use of my Information and further understand that in case of withdrawal of my consent, ICICI Bank shall be entitled to not provide me with the services under the Programme.