
What are the transactions that I can do online?

Given below is a small list of transactions that you can do online:

  • Banking

    • Balance enquiry
    • Transaction history
    • Use ICICI Bank Funds Transfer (eCheques) to:
    • Transfer funds between your own ICICI Bank A/cs

      • Transfer funds to any ICICI Bank a/c
      • Transfer funds to any non ICICI Bank a/c (in 15 cities)
      • Make Service requests like open a Fixed Deposit, duplicate pin etc.
  • Credit card

    • View current and past statement
    • Service requests like auto debit, dial a draft etc.
  • Demat

    • View your transaction and holding statement
  • Bill Payment

    Use your ICICI Bank Account or ICICI Credit Card to pay your bills from the comfort of your home.

What are the different Banking service requests that I can make online?

You can make the following requests online:

  • Apply for a Credit Card
  • Apply for a Debit Card
  • Order a new cheque book
  • Stop cheque request
  • Cheque status inquiry
  • Intimation for loss of ATM Card
  • Open Fixed Deposit
  • Open a Recurring Deposit
  • Apply for a Value Added Savings Account
  • Apply for Phone Banking

If I need any further Account related information, how do I get such details?

You can use `Write to A/c Manager' option, to get such information, or for any other information that you may require.

On receiving a reply or any mail from the A/c manager, there will be an alert on `My A/c's' page.

Are there any Banking Alerts that I can subscribe for?

Yes, you can subscribe for any one or all the following:

  • A/c getting debited
  • A/c getting credited
  • Cheque bounce
  • Salary credit

Click here for more information on ICICI Bank Mobile Banking Alerts.

What are different kinds of Fund Transfers that I can do on the site?

You can do the following kinds of Funds Transfer (eCheques):-

  • Transfer funds between your ICICI Bank accounts,
  • Transfer funds to a third party account in ICICI Bank
  • Transfer funds to an account in any Bank across 15 cities.

You can view pending transfers(if any) and also see all the past transactions that you have done using ICICI Bank Funds Transfer (eCheques).

What are the advantages of doing an online Funds Transfer (eCheques)?

Let us take a look at the comparison table for a better understanding.
(for Inter A/c transfer)

Payment systemSpeedCostEffortPortabilityAcceptanceSecurity
Money orderLowHighHighHighHighHigh
Telegraphic (or wire) transferHighHighHighHighHighHigh
ICICI Bank eChequeHighLowLowHighHighHigh

I want to know more about

  1. Funds Transfer (eCheques) between my own a/c's

You can transfer funds to your own linked a/c's instantaneously or you can even schedule the transfer for a future date.