
Transaction Queries

1) How do I register a biller?

  1. Login to
  2. Click on 'Payments & Transfers' on the Top menu
  3. In the drop down click on manage billers
  4. Select the option you wish to register the biller
  5. Select the biller
  6. Select your state and category from the drop down
    put the name in the biller name field and do a search. You will find your biller.
  7. After selecting the biller, You will see a screen, that asks you for bill details (eg consumer number etc), fill in the details and click 'Add to List'
  8. The system will show a message stating 'Addition to Personal Payee List Successful'. Once you click on OK to this message the Biller is added to your list.

Other Imp notes:

  1. Register your biller (Note: registration of biller is a one time activity)
  2. For payment billers, instantly make payment of any amount as per your bill
  3. For presentment billers, your bill will be uploaded, view your bill & pay exact amount from next billing cycle

To know what is a payment or a presentment biller, please go through Types of Bill Payment below:

Payment biller

For these billers you can pay your bills at your convenience as per the billing cycle. All you need to do is:

  • Login and Register your biller
  • Pay any amount as per your bill
  • You can also set up standing instructions for recurring payments

Presentment biller

For these billers, the biller will present the bills in your account for payment. All you need to do is:

  • Login and Register your biller
  • View your bills from the next billing cycle
  • Pay your exact bill amount
  1. Auto pay where in the bill will get uploaded on internet banking and the exact amount of the bill will get paid on the due date,
  2. Auto pay with a limit , where you choose a limit for the auto debit and if the bill amount is above that amount, you will have to login and pay the bill.
  3. In Manual Payment, you will have to login to net banking and make the payment after the bill is uploaded. You can make the payment of the bill only 1 day before the due date.

For any further Queries, request you please click here.

2) Not able to pay my registered biller

If you are trying to make a payment for a presentment type biller then “make a payment” will not be available. As you can make a payment for presentment type biller only after the bill is uploaded in your account against that biller.

3) Not able to register a biller

  1. While registering a biller you get a message as “ Registration already exist” this could be if you have already registered with your other user id. Request you to login and delete the biller from that id, then add to the new user id.
  2. A unique nick name can be set for a biller. If you get an error as “nick name already exist” request you to use a different nick name to register the biller.

4) Not able to view my uploaded bill

To view your uploaded bill for presentment type biller, login to Internet banking >>> payments & transfers >>> bill payments >>> bills pending for payment.

To view a bill for which you have set up standing instructions/ auto pay option. Login to Internet banking > Payments and Transfers > Bill Payments > Scheduled / Bills on autopay.

5) Bill getting expired

All bills which have been subscribed by you on Internet Banking are payable by the due date. If you do not accept the bill through ' manual payment mode' before the due date the bill expires.

Request you to please login and pay the bill before the due date so the bill does not expire.

Customer can make the payment of the bill only before the due date.

6) Error while making manual payment

'To enter the grid values again' , ' Transaction could not be processed/Please try after sometime' while transacting.

  1. In these cases please check the status of the previous transaction before initiating it again.
  2. If the 1st transaction is showing the status as in process then please wait for 4-6 hrs and check the status of the same.
  3. If the transaction has failed then the amount will be reversed within 7 days.

For any other bill pay related queries please click here.

7) Error while paying using Icici net banking through 3rd party website.

If the amount has been debited from your account and has not been received by the merchant or if you have not received the benefit, request you to check with the merchant and if even after 7 days amount has not been reversed (Customer's account) then please call the 24x7 call centre Check the debit from your account for the previous transaction before initiating the 2nd transaction.

8) Error while doing Prepaid mobile recharge from the logged in section

If the transaction has failed then the amount will be credited within 4 working days Check the debit from your account for the previous transaction before initiating the 2nd transaction.

For more information on prepaid mobile recharge click here.

For queries please click here

Note: Please check with mobile operator for valid denomination before initiating the transaction on

9) Error while doing Fund transfer/NEFT

  1. 'To enter the grid values again'
  2. 'Transaction could not be processed
  3. 'Please try after sometime'
  1. In these cases please check the status of the previous transaction before initiating it again.
  2. If the status of the 1st transaction is under process then please wait for 4-6 hrs and re-check the status of the previous transaction." before initiating the transaction again.

Authentication failed: You would get this message only if you enter incorrect grid values. Please re-enter the correct grid values.

b) Transaction not allowed: If beneficiary account is closed only then you would receive such pop up.

Not able to transfer fund in PPF Account: If you are trying to transfer the funds to PPF A/c through your registered payee list then only such pop up would occur. Request you to go to PPF section from there you can transfer funds to PPF A/c. PPF A/c minimum tenure is 15 years.

For any other NEFT related queries please click here.

10) Error while doing RTGS

  1. To do a RTGS transaction customer needs to have a clear available balance in the savings account to get the transaction processed.
  2. If the status of the RTGS transaction is not showing as “successful“ which means the transaction has failed and will not be processed. The basic reason for the transaction to fail is that customer did not have clear available balance in the account

For any other RTGS related queries please click here.

11) Error while doing IMPS

  1. Currently unable to process your request for IMPS: You would get this error if the beneficiary MMID is not correct. Please check beneficiary MMID no.

For any other IMPS related queries please click here.

Account related Queries

1) I want to know in detail about the features and services available in the new Internet Banking website.

We have categorised the features as following:

  • My View
  • My Accounts
  • Payments & Transfer
  • Investments and Insurance
  • Exclusive Offering
  • Customer Service

My View: This page provides you a complete overview of your relationship with the Bank. This view can be personalised as per your choice through the "Personalise My View" option in Overview tab.

You can personalise your My View page by selecting from the available widgets. You can also do the following:

  • Change the widgets: You can click on “Personalise My View“ tab, select the widget by clicking on the box and add.
  • Get the confirmation of the widget added to My View: After adding the widget, you will get a confirmation on the same page. Click on “My View” and you will be able to view the changes made.
  • Remove widget from the page: You can click on “Personalise My View“ tab, select the widget by clicking on the box and then remove the widget. Click on “My View” and you will be able to view the changes made.
  • My Shortcuts: To choose your shortcut go to Customer Service My Profile ( you will see my shortcut in the left hand menu). This may be populated with most commonly used features, however, you can change this by clicking on the customised link.

My Accounts: This tab provides all your bank relationships such as Account Summary, Bank accounts, Deposits, Loans, Credit Cards, Demat and PPF accounts. It also provides you statements for your Bank account through the E-statement Options.

Payments and Transfer: You can carry out all your financial transactions through Payments and Transfer section. Following are the services in Payments and Transfer section:

  1. Funds Transfer: This option allows you to initiate fund transfer transaction mentioned below:
    • Transfer Funds to Your Own ICICI Bank Account
    • Transfer Funds to Other ICICI Bank Account
    • Transfer Funds to Other Bank Accounts(using NEFT, RTGS, IMPS_IFSC)
    • Transfer Funds through IMPS using Mobile Number and MMID

      Further, through "Funds Transfer" option on left hand side, you can carry out the following transactions:
    • Initiate Funds Transfer
    • Generate / Retrieve MMID
    • Funds Transfer Abroad
    • Smart Money Order
  2. Bill Payment: This option allows you to make payment to registered billers and for presented bills. Also, the following transactions are available on the left hand side menu of Payments and Transfer section
    • Initiate Bill Payment
    • Pay ICICI Bank Credit Card bill
    • Pay Any Visa Credit Card
  3. Prepaid Recharge: You can avail recharge(Prepaid mobile / Data card and DTH) service through this option.
  4. Manage Payee: Manage payee allows you to add new payees, delete already added payees and confirm payee. To delete payee, click on View Payee list - select payee - delete the payee.
  5. Manage Billers: This option allows you to manage your billers.
    • Register Biller
    • Confirm Biller
    • My Registered Billers
    • List of Billers
  6. Transaction status: Through this option, you will be able to view details with status of all your completed transactions. Also, you will be able to view / modify your scheduled transaction details.

Investment & Insurance: In "Investment and Insurance" tab, you can view all your linked Investment and Insurance (Lombard, Prudential) details. If you do not have your policies linked, you can link them by visiting "Customer Service Service Requests - Other Services - More Options" tab and place a request for linking your Lombard and Prudential Insurance policies.

Here, you can also apply for General Insurance and Life Insurance. Customer registered for Online purchase of Mutual Fund will be able to do so from this option.

Exclusive Offering: In this tab, you can view your Personal Finance Management tools like "My Money" and access your "iWish deposit" accounts. You can also view your MySavingReward Points.

  1. Service Request: Raise all your requests through Service Request option:
    • Bank account: Request for Demand Draft, request for linking of accounts etc.
    • Deposit account: Create Fixed Deposit, Recurring Deposit, request for Fixed Deposit / Recurring Deposit renewals, request for closure of Fixed Deposit / Recurring Deposit etc.
    • Credit card: Request for link your Credit Cards, request duplicate PIN etc.
    • Loan: Raise all your Loan related queries.
    • Demat: Raise all your Demat related queries.
    • Others: You can place request for linking of Prudential, Lombard policies etc.
  2. My Mail Box: You can compose, view received mails or send mails to your account manager for any of your account related queries.
  3. My Profile: Through this section, you can manage your accounts.
    • Date & Amount Format: It allows you to select the date and amount format of your choice.
    • E-mail ID: Register your e-mail ID
    • Favourite Accounts: You can set your favourite accounts here.
    • Favourite Activities: Set your favourite activities such as Funds Transfer, creating Fixed Deposits etc.
    • i-safe activation, change PIN, de-activate i-safe
    • Nickname: Set your account Nick name
    • Password: Change log in password
    • Primary Account: Set your primary account
    • Personalise Transaction Limits: Here, you can choose your transaction limits from the defined five sets.

2) I want to know about the Personalise Transaction Limits facility.

Personalise Transaction Limits is a facility which allows you to choose transaction limits (within the maximum limit set by bank for transactions) of your choice for your Internet Banking transactions. Visit Personalise Transaction Limits option, which is available under the My Profile option in Customer Service tab and you can change your transaction limits by selecting the "Personalised Limit Category" of your choice.

Login queries

1) How do I know my User ID?

To know your User ID, please click here

2) How do I generate Internet Banking Login password?

To generate login password, please click here

3) Issues faced while logging

  1. Blank page on login
    This may happen in case you have logged in with a User ID with no accounts linked.
    Login from the active User ID and try.
    If you don't know your active user ID, please click here
  2. At login if you get the error message as “Your user ID or password is incorrect”?
    You would have entered wrong user ID/password. Request you to please try again by entering correct user ID and password.

4) Other Login issues

  1. Oops error on login(The page you were looking for is temporarily not available. We apologise for any inconvenience caused),
  2. Page cannot be displayed, System under maintenance, Session time out or System timed out.
    These are errors which are temporary in nature, hence request you to please try again after some time or try from a different Browser/PC.
  3. Session expired on website
    You would get this page if either the system was ideal for more then 10 minutes or if you would have double clicked on any tab or clicked on the back button of the browser.
  4. Linked credit card /loan account details not available.
    This is a temporary error. Request you to try after some time.
  5. Enter numbers only while entering User ID.
    If num lock is off then only you would receive the error as “Enter numbers only”.