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Process for refund of Depositor Education and Awareness Fund - DEA Fund

As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) notification on Depositor Education Awareness Fund (DEA Fund), funds in accounts/deposits that are inoperative/unclaimed for 10 years or more are transferred to the RBI DEA Fund Scheme along with interest.

If the customer has identified any such deposit, they can claim their fund by visiting the nearest ICICI Bank Branch.

The DEA Fund refund request to be signed and submitted along with the below mentioned at the nearest ICICI Bank Branch 

Claim refund and continue with the account:

  • Refund request letter to be signed by all the account holders
  • KYC documents (ID and address proof) to be submitted along with the request letter 
  • Click for Re-KYC form to be duly filled and signed.



ID Proof

Address Proof

Voter ID/ Driving Licence/ Valid Passport/ Proof of possession of Aadhaar Number*/NREGA Job Card/ National Population Register (NPR) Smart Card

Claim refund when account holder is deceased:

  • Death certificate is mandatory
  • KYC documents of joint holder/nominee/legal heir/successor
  • Refund request letter.

If amount is more than Rs 25 lakh without nomination

  • Succession certificate /Legal heir certificate/Letter of administration/Will
  • Refund request letter.

Claim refund in minor accounts where account holder has turned major:

1.    Claim refund and continue with the account:

To activate the account and claim the amount from the DEA Fund we request you to submit the following documents to ICICI Bank Branch in India or overseas:

  • Self-attested copies of the following documents:
    • Valid Passport
    • Overseas address proof (any one from acceptable list)
    • Non-residential status proof
      • For Indian Passport holders - Valid Visa/Work Permit/Residence Permit
      • For persons holding a Passport issued by a country other than India - OCI/PIO Card. In case the OCI Card / PIO Card is not available, then a self-declaration with documents showing your India connect has to be submitted
    • Permanent Account Number (PAN) / Form 60 as applicable
    • Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the country of overseas residence.

Please mention your Savings Account Number held with the Bank and credit instructions in your DEA Fund refund request letter. The funds can either be credited to the same account or an active account in the same Customer ID held with the Bank or can be paid through an INR Demand Draft in the name(s) of the account holder(s).

In case you are unable to visit the branch, then please courier the DEA Fund refund request letter along with above mentioned documents to ICICI Bank Limited, NRI HUB, RPC Mumbai Autumn Estate, 5th Floor, A wing Near Mhada, Chandivali, Andheri-E, Mumbai -400 072 (India).

2- Customer deceased and claimant request for refund:

To claim refund in case the customer is deceased, we request the nominee/ joint holder to visit ICICI Bank Branch in India or overseas along with death certificate.

In case Death Certificate is obtained in India:  Death Certificate should be attested by ICICI Bank or by Notary Public.

If Death has happened abroad, the death certificate should be:

1) Apostilled under the Hague Convention (OR)

2) Attested by a Bank

  1. ICICI Bank’s foreign office/
  2. Foreign office of ICICI Bank’s subsidiaries/

iii. Any other Bank in which the customer holds a Bank account in that country


3) Certified by Indian Embassy / High Commission in that country (OR)

4) Certified by the Foreign Embassy/High Commission of that country in India (OR)

5) Notary Public of the foreign country

P.S.: Link for all NRI forms is available in website under below path:

Download Forms – NRI Banking - ICICI Bank Ltd

Account activation with refund-  

To activate the account and claim the amount from the DEA Fund, we request you to submit the following documents at any ICICI Bank Branch:

  1. Refund request form (signed as per MOP) DEA Fund Refund Form.pdf
  2. Account activation & Re-KYC updation form (signed as per MOP) Account activation & Re-KYC form.pdf
  3. KYC documents of entity/individual-
    • PAN
    • Address Proof
    • Identity Proof of Individual
    • Constitution Documents  (COI/Partnership/LLP deed/ MOA/AOARC/Trust deed/Bye-laws)
    • FATCA-CRS-declaration
  4. PAN, photograph and KYC documents of authorised signatory & beneficial owners
  5. Request letter, Board/LLP resolution, partnership letter (in case of change of signatory) Signature Updation Form.pdf

In case of further clarification, you may visit any nearest branch or contact your Relationship Manager.


To activate the account and claim the amount from the DEA Fund, we request you to submit the following documents at any ICICI Bank Branch:

  1. Refund request form (signed as per MOP) DEA Fund Refund Form.pdf
  2. Account activation & Re-KYC updation form (signed as per MOP) Account activation & Re-KYC form.pdf
  3. FATCA-CRS-Declaration
  4. KYC documents of entity-
    1. PAN
    2. Address Proof
    3. Constitution Documents  (RC/Trust deed/Bye-laws/MOA/AOA/COI)
  5. PAN, photograph and KYC documents of Authorised signatory & Beneficial owners
  6. Request letter, Board resolution, office order (in case of change of signatory) Signature Updation Form.pdf

 In case of further clarification, you may visit any nearest branch or contact your Relationship Manager.

To claim the amount from the DEA Fund, we request you to submit the following documents at any ICICI Bank Branch or call us on 1800 1080:

  1. Refund request form (signed as per Mode of Operation) DEA Fund Refund Form.pdf
  2. KYC documents of Individual/entity-
    1. Aadhar
    2. Permanent Account Number (PAN)
    3. Passport
    4. Address Proof
    5. Identity Proof of Individual (Driver’s license/Voters Identity card)
    6. Constitution Documents  (COI/Partnership/LLP deed/ MOA/AOA)
  3. PAN, photograph and KYC documents of authorised signatory & beneficial owners
  4. Request letter, Board/LLP resolution, partnership letter

 In case of further clarification, you may visit any nearest branch or contact the call centre

As per RBI circular on Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 (Scheme) states – ‘Banks shall calculate cumulative balances in all accounts not operated for more than 10 years along with interest accrued… and such amounts due should be transferred to the Depositor Education and Awareness Fund …in each calendar month…’

To claim the amount from the DEA Fund, we request you to submit the following documents at any ICICI Bank Branch or call us on 1800 1080:

  1. Refund request form (signed as per Mode of Operation) DEA Fund Refund Form.pdf
  2. KYC documents of Individual/entity-
    1. Aadhar
    2. PAN
    3. Passport
    4. Address Proof
    5. Identity Proof of Individual (Driver’s license/Voters Identity card)
    6. Constitution Documents  (COI/Partnership/LLP deed/ MOA/AOA)
  3. PAN, photograph and KYC documents of authorised signatory & beneficial owners
  4. Request letter, Board/LLP resolution, partnership letter

 In case of further clarification, you may visit any nearest branch or contact the call centre.

Enclosures: Copy of self-attested request letter, KYC documents, Cancelled cheque

To claim the amount from the DEA Fund, we request you to submit the following documents at any ICICI Bank Branch or call us on 1800 1080:


  • Original Instrument
  • Refund request form (DEA Fund Refund Form.pdf)

  • KYC documents as per OVD (Officially Valid Document) viz. Aadhaar/ Passport/ Driver’s license/ Voters Identity card/ NREGA Job Card/ National Population Register (NPR) Smart Card)

  • Cancelled cheque

  • NOC or consent from beneficiary for DD cancellation with all the DD details such as DD no., DD amount, DD date etc.


  • Original Instrument
  • Request letter/ Refund request form (DEA Fund Refund Form.pdf), Board/ LLP Resolution, Partnership letter on letterhead

  • Constitution Documents  (COI/ Partnership/ LLP deed/ MOA/ AOA/ RC/ Trust Deed/ Bye-Laws)

  • PAN, photograph and KYC documents viz. Aadhaar/ Passport/ Driver’s license/ Voters Identity card/ NREGA Job Card/ National Population Register (NPR) Smart Card) of authorised signatory & beneficial owners

  • Cancelled cheque

  • NOC or consent from beneficiary for DD cancellation with all the DD details such as DD no., DD amount, DD date etc.

In case of further clarification, you may visit any nearest branch or contact the call centre.

Claim Form

Foreign Currency Demand Draft (FCDD):

Individual/ Non-Individual Account

FCDD Refund/ Cancellation request

For the FCDD refund/ cancellation request, please submit the following documents at ICICI Bank Forex /Trade Servicing Branch:

  1. Refund or Cancellation Request Form (signed as per the MOP [Mode of Operation])

  2. Original instrument/s (Foreign Currency Demand Draft)

  3. In case the original Demand Draft is not available, submit the indemnity as per the attached format*

*Format of the indemnity is indicative in nature and is subject to revision basis the underlying nature of the refund/cancellation request.

Indemnity format

In case of further clarification, you may visit ICICI Bank Forex /Trade Servicing Branch or contact your Relationship Manager.


INR Prepaid Card - Refund process for Funds transferred to RBI DEA Fund

As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) circular on Depositor Education and Awareness Fund (DEA Fund) dated March 21, 2014, the credit balance in any account maintained with banks, which have not been operated upon for ten years or more, or any amount remaining unclaimed for ten years or more, are required to be transferred by banks to the DEA Fund maintained by the RBI.

For example: If a Card’s validity has expired on , the unutilised balance on this Card will be due for transfer to RBI DEA Fund Account on or after January 1, 2025.

To claim the amount from the RBI DEA Fund, please submit the following self-attested documents through your registered e-mail ID to or at any ICICI Bank Branch:

  1. Request letter (Format attached)
  2. Cancelled cheque
  3. Self attested ID proof (Any One):
    1. Voter ID
    2. Driving Licence
    3. Passport
    4. Aadhaar Card
    5. NREGA* Job Card
    6. National Population Register (NPR) Smart Card.

*NREGA – National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.

Documents required in case the Card holder is deceased:

  1. Refund request letter signed by all the legal heirs (Annexure 2.1)
  2. Copy of Death Certificate
  3. KYC document of the claimant
  4. Acknowledgement receipt (Annexure 3).

In case of any further clarification, please contact Customer Care on 1800 1080 or visit any ICICI Bank Branch.