- Save on the interest payment to the other Bank
- Balance transfer up to ₹ 3 lakh
- Attractive interest rates
- Payments in 3 & 6 month installments
- Nil documentation
Customers who have had a good track record with us with respect to their credit card spends, transaction pattern and payment history becomes eligible for a balance transfer on credit card from time to time, depending on the internal policies of the bank. Having a minimum outstanding of ₹ 15,000 on the other bank credit card is a pre-requisite for availing a balance transfer facility.
Funds would be transferred via NEFT or Demand Draft. For NEFT, the customer needs to send an e-mail to balancetransfer@icicibank.com with the other bank name, customer’s name as per other bank details and other bank credit card number in which the balance transfer is to be taken.
Call our Customer Care or SMS BT to 5676766. Our executive will call you back on your registered mobile number.
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