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Offer applicable on ICICI Bank Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Internet Banking
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Offer Valid from 1st August’23 to 31st July’25
The availability of the offer is based on the following criteria:
To avail benefits under the Offer the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/Cardholder shall be required to make a transaction/purchase on the Website using ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) during the Offer Period 1st August’23 to 31st July’25
The Offer is valid only for select set of ICICI Bank Net Banking User(s)/Cardholder(s) selected at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank and who have received communication about the Offer from ICICI Bank, during the Offer Period
Participation in the Offer by the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/Cardholder/s is on a voluntary basis
The ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/Cardholder/s may avail the Offer during the Offer Period or until the stock lasts, whichever is earlier
This Offer cannot be clubbed with any other Offer that may be made available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/Cardholder/s by the Alliance Partner
The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable
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Offer valid form 1st August’23 to 31st July’25
Under a program customers can avail offer 20% off on a min purchase of Rs1200/- and above
The deal is not applicable on gold, diamond, Interbational Shipping, Electronic items and Gift Vouchers
The Exclusive offer/Discounts under these programs cannot be clubbed with any other offer
No limit to the number of Times you use the code
For any query, please call IGP at 022-43433333
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Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authority/body or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s
All issues / queries / complaints / grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly at UNIT NO - 2 / SECOND FLOOR / A-WING, TIMESQUARE ANDHERI KURLA ROAD, OPP- MITTALESTATE, ANDHERI(E) Mumbai Mumbai City MH400059 INwithout any reference to ICICI Bank The same shall be addressed by Alliance Partner, only up to a period of 3 (three) days after the date of transaction/purchase
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All communication / notices with regard to this Offer should be addressed to Alliance Partner: address UNIT NO - 2 / SECOND FLOOR / A-WING, TIMESQUARE ANDHERI KURLA ROAD, OPP- MITTALESTATE, ANDHERI(E) Mumbai Mumbai City MH400059 IN
The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and / or on products / services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever
ICICI Bank/Alliance Partner reserve the right to modify/ change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever
If the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/ceases to be a ICICI Bank Net Banking Userat any time during the currency of the Offer Period, all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User
ICICI Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality, delivery or otherwise of the goods and services or the assured gifts / prizes offered by the Alliance Partners Any dispute or claim regarding the goods, services and assured gifts / prizes must be resolved by the Card Holder/s with the Alliance Partners directly without any reference to ICICI Bank
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The cash back/ discount /assured gift / prize is sponsored by the Alliance Partner and the Card Holder/s shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by the Alliance Partner in this regard
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The Program/Offer is not available wherever prohibited and / or on merchandise / products / services for which such programs cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever