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2 mins Read | 1 Year Ago

Understanding the Differences between Liquid Funds and Fixed Deposits

A comparison of Cumulative and Non-cumulative Fixed Deposits


When it comes to parking your money and earning returns, two popular options come to mind – Liquid Funds and Fixed Deposits (FDs). Both offer distinct benefits and suit different financial goals, risk appetites and investment durations. As an investor, it is essential to comprehend the features of both investment instruments and make an informed decision.

Liquid Funds: A Snapshot

Liquid Funds are a type of debt Mutual Fund (MF) known for their high liquidity and low-risk profile. These funds invest in short-term money market instruments, such as Treasury Bills (T-Bills), Commercial Papers and Certificates of Deposit (CD) with varying maturities ranging from a few days to a few months. Liquid Funds is to provide investors with easy access to funds while offering stable returns.

 Key Features of Liquid Funds:

● Liquidity: Liquid Funds allow investors to redeem their investments quickly, often within 24 hours. This feature makes them an excellent choice for parking surplus funds or emergency savings

● Low Risk: Since Liquid Funds invest in short-term debt securities with high credit ratings, they carry lower risk compared to investment avenues like equity or long-term debt funds

● Stable Returns: While Liquid Funds may not offer exceptionally high returns, they aim to provide stable and consistent returns over time

● No Lock-In Period: Unlike FDs, Liquid Funds do not have a lock-in period, enabling investors to withdraw their investments whenever needed

● Tax Efficiency: Gains from Liquid Funds are taxed lower than FDs, making them more tax-efficient for investors in higher tax brackets.

Fixed Deposits: An Overview

Fixed Deposits are a popular investment option offered by banks and financial institutions. They involve depositing a lump sum amount for a fixed period at a predetermined interest rate. FDs are considered a safe investment choice, as they offer a guaranteed return on the principal amount over a period. The longer their duration, the greater the returns; that is the power of compound interest.

 Key Features of FDs

● Fixed Tenure: FDs have a fixed tenure ranging from a few days to several years, depending on the investor's preference. The interest rate remains constant throughout the tenure

● Guaranteed Returns: One of the main advantages of FDs is the assurance of a predetermined interest rate on the investment, regardless of market fluctuations

● Low to Moderate Risk: FDs are relatively low-risk as they are not subject to market fluctuations. However, they carry some risks due to inflation and changes in interest rates

● Premature Withdrawal: While FDs offer stability and assured returns, premature withdrawal may attract penalties or reduced interest rates, impacting overall returns

● Tax Implications: Interest earned from FDs is taxable as per the individual's Income Tax slab rate.

Comparing Liquid Funds and FDs

Both investments are great for differing needs.

● Returns: Liquid Funds generally offer higher returns than traditional Savings Accounts or even some FDs. However, FDs may provide slightly higher returns than Liquid Funds due to their fixed interest rates

● Liquidity: Liquid Funds score over FDs in terms of liquidity. Investors can withdraw funds from Liquid Funds on any business day, making them an ideal choice for short-term financial needs

● Risk Profile: Liquid Funds are considered safer than FDs due to their shorter investment horizon and diversified portfolio. FDs carry a slightly higher risk as they are susceptible to inflation and changes in interest rates

● Investment Horizon: Liquid Funds are best suited for short-term goals and emergency funds, while FDs are ideal for longer-term goals and financial planning

● Tax Efficiency: Liquid Funds are more tax-efficient than FDs, especially for individuals in higher tax brackets. The indexation benefit may also apply to long-term Liquid Fund investments, further reducing tax liabilities.

Which one to Choose? 

The choice between Liquid Funds and FDs depends on your financial goals, investment horizon and risk appetite. Here is a quick guide to help you make an informed decision:

Choose Liquid Funds if:

● You need high liquidity for emergency funds or short-term goals

● You prefer low-risk investments with stable returns

● You are in a higher tax bracket and seek tax-efficient returns

● You are comfortable with slightly lower returns compared to FDs

Choose FDs if: 

● You have a specific long-term financial goal with a fixed investment horizon

● You prioritise capital preservation and want guaranteed returns

● You are willing to lock in your funds for a specific period

● You prefer a more straightforward and traditional investment avenue.

Choosing Optimal Investments

Both Liquid Funds and FDs have their advantages and suit different preferences. To optimise your investment portfolio, consider diversifying your holdings and selecting the investment option that aligns with your financial objectives. A well-balanced approach to investing can help you achieve short-term and long-term financial goals while minimising risks and maximising returns. It is advisable to consult with a financial advisor to create a customised investment strategy tailored to your unique needs.


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