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  1. I hereby undertake to abide by the scheme provisions and Government Savings Promotion Rules, 2018 applicable on the Scheme and amendments issued thereto from time to time. Details of my/our other accounts under the Scheme are as mentioned in the account opening online request.

  2. I declare that I/ we are resident citizen of India and undertake to inform the account office of any change in our residency/ citizenship status in future.

  3. I/ We shall adhere to the ceiling on deposits (currently Rs. 30,00,000 /- per PAN Card and as amended from time to time), taking the deposits in all the accounts opened by me/ us together. If at any time, any excess deposit is found within or outside the bank, such excess deposit shall be refunded to me/ us after recovery of excess interest.

  4. The deposits in the account shall be restricted to the retirement benefits received, or thirty lakh rupees, whichever is lower received invested three months from the date of funds received.

  5. I/ We declare that nomination under the said scheme can be done only in favor of Resident Indians or NRI only.

I hereby authorize ICICI Bank Limited to share all the information/ data provided herein including personal, business information and/ or investment related information with ICICI group companies/ other institutions/ such other persons as may be necessary/ required to communicate with you regarding my investment and processing of my application.

I also declare that the information provided by me/ us in the application herein above, is true to the best of my/ our knowledge and belief and in case, at any time, any of the information and/ or declaration is found false, no interest on the deposits shall be payable to me/ us, the deposits office shall close the account(s) and refund the deposits after recovery of the interest, if any already paid on the deposits.