How to Apply?

You can get your ICICI Bank Instant Credit Card in 2 simple steps:

1. Get a Fixed Deposit with ICICI Bank (even better if you already have one!)

  • To get an ICICI Bank Instant Platinum Credit Card, all you need is a valid Fixed Deposit with ICICI Bank.
  • The minimum Fixed Deposit amount is ₹ 20,000.
  • The minimum tenure of the Fixed Deposit has to be 180 days.

Please also note that the Instant Platinum Credit Card cannot be issued

  • If the Fixed Deposit is in the name of Third parties/Partnership firms /HUF /Society /Trust /Companies.
  • Against Linked/Quantum /80C/NRE/NRO / HFC Fixed Deposits or if a lien is already marked on the Fixed Deposit.
  • To minors and foreign nationals.

2. Either collect your Card from our Branches or click here to apply online.