MTS MBlaze Data Card Recharge


Recharging your MTS MBlaze Data Card is now simple. Thanks to ICICI Bank Quick Pay Service

With ICICI Bank Quick Pay Service, making an MTS MBlaze Data Card recharge online is now easy. The procedure is very simple. Visit and click on the 'Personal Banking' section. Under 'Pay/View Online' select Quick Pay Bill. On the page displayed, choose MTS as your Data Card Recharge service and click ‘Submit’. In the new screen that appears, enter your Data Card number and the recharge amount and click 'Submit'.

Why choose the Quick Pay Service for your MTS MBlaze Data Card Recharge

  • You do not have to register in order to use the service
  • The recharge is done from the comfort of your home or office
  • No wasting time writing cheques

To access ICICI Bank Quick Pay Service, all you need to have is ICICI Bank Internet Banking User ID and Password. In case you already have an ID but don't remember the same, you can get a new one created instantly. It takes approximately 2 working days for your payment to be processed by Idea. Therefore, you are requested to make the payment at least 2 working days in advance.


  • The time taken for your account to be credited depends on MTS's payment processing methods.
  • Ensure that all the details provided are correct. Any incorrect details may lead to an unsuccessful recharge. ICICI Bank does not take the responsibility for incorrect payments made.