Delhi Metro Card Recharge Through mRupee Outlets

ICICI Bank has launched DMRC Metro Card recharge facility through mRupee outlets of MMPL (A subsidiary of Tata Teleservices Limited) in Delhi & NCR region.

DMRC Metro card users can now recharge their metro cards instantly without queuing up at stations.

Metro card holder can walk into any of the 800+ mRupee outlets and get their metro card recharged.


  • Avoid long queues at metro stations and save time
  • Receive instantaneous SMS payment confirmation with the recharge amount details
  • No additional recharge cost 

Metro Card Recharge Process

Follow the simple steps to recharge your metro card:

Step 1 Visit agent outlet
Visit any mRupee outlet in your neighborhood
Step 2 Provide following details :
  • Metro Card Number [Engrave ID]
  • Card Holder Mobile Number
  • Recharge Amount
Step 3 Recharge Initiation
Agent initiate the recharge process
Step 4 Recharge Confirmation
On successful completion, you will be notified about the final status of your recharge transaction by SMS
Step 5 In case of failed transaction, you will be intimated through a SMS notification
Step 6 Visit AVM [Add Value Machine] at Metro Station
After this you need to go to any Metro stations. Show your metro card on AVM & Press Add Value button on Screen of AVM in order to complete the add value process. Balance will then be added to the Metro card


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