Working Capital - Customised solutions for all your expansion needs.
Overdraft and Cash Credit Facility
We at ICICI Bank offer facilities like cash credit and overdraft to help you meet your working capital requirement. We also help you take care of seasonal cash flow issues and allow you to leverage every business opportunity that comes your way.
Get hassle-free sanctions against hypothecation of current assets. Additional collateral would be applicable as per the required norms.
Term Loans
To keep pace with emerging technologies and capacity expansion needs, we have term loans for you. Get customised solutions to meet your financial requirements. Save your valuable time and energy through our simplified procedures and easy documentation. We are also one of the nodal agencies for TUF scheme.
External Commercial Borrowings
External Commercial Borrowings enable you to get cost effective foreign currency long term loans for capital expenditure, subject to certain RBI guidelines. This is especially beneficial for exporters, since we also provide hedging against foreign currency fluctuations.
Offshore Banking Products for SEZ based units
If you are located in a special economic zone, you can benefit from our offshore banking products. Avail working capital facilities and long terms at internationally competitive prices from our offshore banking group.
Dedicated ECA lines of credit
ICICI Bank has tied up with several export credit agencies like JBIC, CBA, Kexm, KFN etc. to promote project specific soft funding solutions.