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2 mins Read | 9 Months Ago

Most Common Myths about Mutual Fund NAV (Net Asset Value) Busted

High dividend-paying stocks & Mutual Fund schemes


Investing in Mutual Funds has become important in financial planning for many. However, a significant aspect often misunderstood by investors is the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Mutual Funds. NAV plays a key role in making investment decisions but the myths about NAV lead to misconceptions. This post will look at the five most common misconceptions about Mutual Funds NAV, guiding you towards more informed investment choices.

What is NAV in Mutual Funds?

The NAV in Mutual Funds represents the per-share market value of all the holdings. Calculated daily, NAV is the price at which investors buy and sell Mutual Fund units. It is determined by dividing the total value of the fund's assets by the number of outstanding shares. Understanding NAV is crucial for any investor as it reflects the fund's current value.

Myth 1: Higher NAV equals better performance

A common belief is that Mutual Funds with higher NAVs are better performers. This myth arises from comparing NAV to a stock's price, which is not accurate. The truth is that NAV does not indicate quality or performance. Instead, factors like the fund’s historical returns, investment strategy and management quality are more reliable indicators. In short, a fund’s NAV is just a snapshot of its current worth and not a performance metric.

Myth 2: NAV reflects fund performance

Many assume that NAV is a reflection of a Mutual Fund’s performance. However, NAV only shows the fund's value at the end of a trading day. It is influenced by market fluctuations, fund inflows, outflows and dividends. True indicators of performance include the fund's track record, risk profile and how it fares against its benchmark and peers.

Myth 3: NAV determines investment value

The NAV is often mistaken as the sole indicator of a Mutual Fund's investment value. However, investment value also includes capital gains and dividends. For instance, if a fund's NAV grows but it also distributes substantial dividends, the overall investment value may be higher than what the NAV suggests.

Myth 4: Higher NAV means more expensive funds

It is a misconception that Mutual Funds with higher NAVs are more expensive. The expense ratio which reflects the fund's management fees and operational costs is a better indicator of cost. A fund's NAV has no direct correlation with its expense ratio. Therefore, a higher NAV does not necessarily mean higher costs for investors.

Myth 5: Lower NAV means more shares and higher gains

It is a common belief that a lower NAV allows investors to buy more shares leading to higher gains. This is a misconception because the number of shares owned is not as important as the total value of the investment. Whether you own more shares at a lower NAV or fewer shares at a higher NAV, the investment's growth potential depends on the fund's overall performance and not on the number of shares.

Factors Influencing NAV

Several factors influence NAV. Market movements change the value of securities within the fund, affecting the NAV. Similarly, inflows and outflows of fund investments change the number of outstanding shares, impacting NAV. Management fees, operating expenses and dividend distributions also play a role. Understanding these elements helps investors see beyond the NAV figure.

The Impact of market conditions on NAV

Market conditions play a significant role in influencing the NAV of Mutual Funds. During bullish market phases, the securities in a fund's portfolio typically appreciate in value, leading to a rise in the NAV. However, in bearish market conditions, the value of these securities may decline, resulting in a lower NAV. It is important for investors to understand that these fluctuations are a normal part of market dynamics and do not necessarily reflect the long-term potential or health of the fund. Keeping a long-term perspective and not reacting quickly to short-term market movements is crucial for Mutual Fund investors.

Comparing NAV across different types of funds

It is also essential to understand that comparing NAVs across different types of Mutual Funds is not a reliable method for evaluating their relative merits. For instance, the NAV of a Bond Fund may be significantly different from that of an Equity Fund due to differences in asset classes, investment strategies and market volatility. Instead of comparing NAVs, investors should focus on each fund's overall performance, risk profile and how it fits into their investment strategies and goals.

NAV and fund maturity

The maturity of Mutual Funds can also influence their NAV. Newer funds may have a lower NAV due to a smaller asset base but this does not necessarily imply lower quality or potential. Similarly, older and well-established funds may have a higher NAV due to their larger asset base and longer track record. Investors should consider the age and maturity of a fund as part of their overall evaluation but should not use NAV as the sole criterion for assessing a fund’s maturity or stability. 

NAV adjustments: Distribution of dividends and capital gains

Another aspect of NAV that is often misunderstood is its adjustment due to the distribution of dividends and capital gains. When a Mutual Fund distributes dividends or capital gains to shareholders, its NAV decreases by the amount of the distribution per share. This adjustment does not reflect a loss in value. Rather, it reflects a transfer of value from the fund to the investors. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for investors as it can impact their perception of the fund’s performance and their investment decisions. It is important to note that these distributions can be a sign of a healthy fund that is realising gains and providing returns to its shareholders.

The role of NAV in Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)

In the case of Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), NAV plays a key role in determining the number of units purchased in each instalment. When the NAV is low, more units are purchased and when it is high, fewer units are bought. This mechanism enables the benefit of rupee cost averaging where the investor potentially buys more at lower prices and less at higher prices, smoothening out the effects of market volatility over time. However, the success of SIPs depends more on the consistent investment approach and the fund's overall performance rather than short-term fluctuations in NAV.


Being aware about the details of NAV is crucial for making informed investment decisions in Mutual Funds. By understanding the common misconceptions, investors can approach Mutual Fund investments with a more analytical and informed perspective. It is essential to consider a range of factors including fund performance, market conditions and investment goals rather than focusing solely on NAV. By doing so, investors are better positioned to select Mutual Funds that align with their long-term financial objectives.

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