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2 mins Read | 9 Months Ago

What Is Exit Load? How Is It Calculated?

High dividend-paying stocks & Mutual Fund schemes

Exit Load is a term that often grabs the attention of Mutual Fund investors. Understanding the Exit Load in Mutual Funds is crucial for investors who want to understand the complex world of Mutual Fund investments. This guide will explain the concept of Exit Load, its significance and the simple calculation process involved. By understanding Exit Load, investors can make informed decisions that align with the objectives and long-term stability of their Mutual Funds.

What is Exit Load?

Exit Load is an important element in the Mutual Fund investment landscape. It is a fee that acts as a financial barrier, discouraging investors from selling their units prematurely and promoting a more committed approach to their investment journey. Mutual Funds aim to safeguard their stability and protect the interests of long-term investors by imposing a cost for early exits. This fee highlights the importance of aligning investment strategies with the specified holding period, promoting an environment where investors can fully benefit from their chosen funds. Exit Load in Mutual Funds is a protective measure, emphasising the commitment required for optimal returns and the overall well-being of the Mutual Funds.

The significance of Exit Load

The significance of Exit Load in Mutual Funds goes beyond financial implications. It plays a crucial role in shaping the fund's dynamics.

Balancing investor commitment:

Exit Load acts as a mechanism to balance the commitment level of investors. Discouraging premature exits ensures those participating in the fund are genuinely committed to the investment journey.

Mitigating market impact:

Frequent buying and selling can have a bad impact on the market. Exit Load is a protective measure, preventing excessive market volatility caused by abrupt changes in the fund holdings.

Enhancing fund manager focus:

Exit Load shields fund managers from the distractions of short-term market fluctuations. Fund managers can adhere to their long-term strategies without the pressure of managing frequent redemptions.

Encouraging informed decisions:

Investors who are aware of the Exit Load implications are encouraged to make more informed and thoughtful investment decisions. This contributes to a more responsible investment culture within the Mutual Fund landscape.

Facilitating fund stability:

Stability is crucial for the overall health of a fund. Exit Load acts as a stabilising force, discouraging sudden large-scale withdrawals that could impact the fund's ability to meet its objectives.

Aligning with the fund objectives:

Mutual Funds have specific objectives and strategies. Exit Load aligns the investors with these objectives, ensuring short-term market behaviours do not compromise the fund's mission.

Exit Load serves a dual purpose of protecting the fund against any possible disruptions caused due to frequent trading by investors and also promotes commitment and informed decision-making.

How is Exit Load calculated?

The calculation of Exit Load is a straightforward process. Let's break it down step by step:

Determine the holding period:

Identify the specified holding period set by the fund scheme. This duration can vary among different funds.

Check the Exit Load structure:

Review the fund's documentation, specifically the Scheme Information Document (SID) and the Key Information Memorandum (KIM), to understand the Exit Load structure. Exit Load is often expressed as a percentage of the redemption amount.

Calculate the Exit Load:

Once you have identified the holding period and Exit Load percentage, you can calculate the amount. Multiply the Exit Load percentage by the redemption amount.

Example: Suppose you redeem Rs 10,000 from a Mutual Fund with 1% Exit Load for investments held for less than one year.

Exit Load = Rs 10,000 * 1% = Rs 100

Types of Exit Loads

Exit Loads can be classified into two main types:

Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC):

A back-end load, CDSC is charged when you redeem your units within a specified period. The longer you hold your investment, lower the CDSC becomes.

Contingent Deferred Sales Load (CDSL):

This type of Exit Load is incurred when you redeem your units, but the amount is calculated based on the initial investment instead of the current value. Similar to CDSC, the load decreases over time.

How to minimise Exit Load impact

Stay informed:

Before investing, thoroughly review the documents of the specific fund to understand the Exit Load structure and holding period.

Invest for the long-term:

Aim for a longer investment horizon to reduce the impact of Exit Load.

Consider low or no Exit Load funds:

Explore funds with lower or no Exit Loads if you are thinking of redeeming your investments earlier.

Plan redemptions wisely:

If possible, plan redemptions when the Exit Load is minimal or has expired.


As a Mutual Fund investor, it is crucial to understand the concept of Exit Load. This tool is designed to maintain stability within the fund, protect long-term investors and discourage short-term trading. By better understanding Exit Load and its calculation, investors can make more informed decisions and align their investment strategies with the financial goals. Remember, even a little knowledge can go a long way in optimising your investment journey.


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