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Audited Financial Results For The Period Ended December 31, 2000

(Rupees in crores)

Sr. No. Particulars Nine months ended Three months ended Year ended
    31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-1999 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-1999 Mar.31,2000
1. Interest Income 873 593.08 302.10 205.50 852.87
2. Other Income 120.40 104.14 55.05 49.15 194.05
3. Total Income 993.40 697.22 357.15 254.65 1046.92
4. Interest Expenditure 594.12 460.78 204.57 164.7 666.95
5. Total Operating Expenditure          
  (a) Staff Cost 34.04 20.37 10.72 6.66 36.37
  (b) Depreciation 21.82 14.34 10.58 5.29 24.79
  (c) Other Expenditure 156.75 51.11 65.02 21.49 92.15
6. Total Expenditure (4) + (5) 806.73 566.60 290.89 198.14 820.26
7. Gross Profit before tax and provisions 186.67 130.62 66.26 56.51 226.66
8. Provision for taxes 35.81 31.08 22.10 18.19 33.02
9. Other provisions 40.16 27.18 3.66 10.06 88.34
10. Net Profit 110.70 72.36 40.50 28.26 105.30
11. Paid up Equity Share Capital (face value of Rs.10/- per equity share) 196.82 165.00 196.82 165.00 196.82
12. Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserves) 1063.39 215.69 1063.39 215.69 952.69
13. Total deposits 10047.94 8500.17 10047.94 8500.17 9866.02
14. Total advances (including Credit substitutes) 7637.40 4057.92 7637.40 4057.92 5030.96


Basic and diluted Earnings Per Share (not annualised) For the relevant period For the relevant quarter Weighted avg.
5.62 4.39 2.06 1.71 6.38



  1. Out of amortised ADS issue expenditure, Rs. 7.93 crores has been charged off during the period.
  2. Net non-performing assets to advances (including credit substitutes) is 1.32% (1.14% as on 31.03.2000)
  3. Item 5(c) includes Rent, taxes and lighting Rs. 23.50 crores for 9 months ended December 31, 2000 (Rs. 12.32 crores for 9 months ended December 31, 1999 and LY - Rs.18.01 crores). Other items included in 5(c) individually do not exceed 10% of total operating expenditure.
  4. Investment portfolio has been categorised into 'Held to Maturity', 'Available for Sale' and 'Trading' since September 30, 2000.
  5. The shareholders of the Bank have at their Extraordinary General Meeting held on Friday, January 19, 2001 approved the Scheme of Amalgamation of Bank of Madura Ltd. with the Bank by the requisite majority subject to the approval of the Reserve Bank of India and such other authorities as may be required.


Unaudited financial results under US GAAP accounting (Rupees in crores)

Particulars Nine months ended Three months ended Year ended
  31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-1999 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-1999 Mar.31,2000
Net income under US GAAP 99.00 102.59 38.32 39.97 140.20
Reconciliation between US GAAP and Accounting Standards followed in India
Profit under Indian GAAP 110.70 72.36 40.50 28.26 105.30
Deferred taxation 19.75 (3.51) 1.35 (8.63) (11.30)
Loan impairment (10.57) 18.10 (3.94) 9.87 35.80
Mark to Market impact on investments (26.28) 21.51 2.00 10.17 2.10
ADR Issue expenditure charged to
P & L A/c
7.93 2.55 9.90
Others (2.53) (5.87) (4.14) 0.30 (1.60)
Profit under US GAAP 99 102.59 38.32 39.97 140.20


The above financial results have been taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Bank at its meeting held on January 23, 2001.

Place: Mumbai
Date: January 23, 2001