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Calculate your Savings

ICICI Bank Home Loan balance transfer savings calculator

Check out your total savings on monthly payments and compare how much you can save.

Outstanding Principal Amount

Current EMI

Current Outstanding
Tenure (months)


ICICI Bank Interest rate*


Required Tenure


*Interest rate subject to CIBIL score

₹ 30,000
₹ 15,465

Monthly EMI

You Save ₹ 14,535/month

₹ 72,00,000
₹ 37,11,600

Total Amount Paid

You Save ₹ 34,88,400

  • Your Existing Home Loan
  • ICICI Bank Home Loan
You have a pre-approved
Balance Transfer!
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Instant Balance Transfer?

Instant Balance Transfer is a pre-approved Balance Transfer facility for Salary & Savings account holders of ICICI Bank. You can get instant sanctions on the transfer of Home Loans or LAP outstanding balances, at lower interest rates.

Why should I opt for an Instant Balance Transfer?

Instant Home Loan customers of ICICI Bank can get a host of benefits by getting Home Loan Balance Transfer offers, online. These include Instant Online Sanctions, Attractive Interest Rates, Longer Tenure, Quick Processing and Affordable EMIs. The pre-approved Balance Transfer is the best facility that saves you money for future purposes.

What is the maximum tenure that can be given under the pre-approved Balance Transfer?

As per ICICI Bank, the maximum tenure for a Home Loan is 30 years. For Non-Home Loans, the maximum tenure limit is 15 years.

What will be the frequency of benchmark reset for floating rate Home/ Mortgage Loans?

As per Master Direction - RBI (Interest Rate on Advances) Directions, 2016, the interest rate under external benchmark shall be reset at least once in months. Thus, the Repo Rate component of the Interest Rate will be reset on the first day of the third subsequent month from the month in which the Facility is first disbursed (irrespective of the date of disbursement) and every three months thereafter, as a sum of Repo Rate + “Spread”, plus applicable statutory levy, if any. The applicable Repo Rate shall be the rate prevailing one business day preceding the reset date

How will the benchmark reset impact the current Rate of Interest (ROI) in case the Repo rate increases or decreases?

On the reset date, if the applicable Repo rate has increased, the effective ROI of the loan account will increase which in turn will impact the EMI/tenure of the loan. In case of decrease in Repo Rate, the ROI will decrease which in turn will impact the tenure of the loan. Illustration: Consider a scenario where first disbursement of the loan is done on Oct 15, 2019 under RBI Repo linked benchmark rate, with the RBI Repo Rate being 5.15% per annum (as on Oct 14, 2019) with a spread/margin of 400 basis points (bps). In such a case the effective rate would be 9.15% per annum.