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Get SB A/C activated

Dormant Account Activation:

Inactive Account: In case there is no customer-induced transaction (debit or credit) in the account for a period of 12 months, then the account is classified as an ‘Inactive’ Account. It can be activated by doing a simple financial transaction, through any channel, like ATM, Internet Banking and Branch etc.

Dormant Account: In case there is no customer-induced transaction (debit or credit) in the account for a period of 24 months, then the account is classified as a ‘Dormant’ Account.

The customer may not be monitoring this account and hence, to safeguard the interest of the customer, there are certain restrictions imposed on the Dormant Account.

Transactions denied for an account in the ‘Dormant’ status
Transactions through ATM and Infinity/Mobile Banking.
Change of address (including phone no, mobile no & e-mail address).
Issuance of chequebooks/deliverables.
Renewal of cards.
All other account servicing and financial requests.


What is the process for activation of a ‘Dormant’ Savings Account?

Important Note: The Savings Account holder has to visit a branch in person to submit the request for Dormant Account activation.

With effect from 4th June 2020, the savings account interest rate applicable would be:

  • Account holder should submit the account activation form, filled and signed, along with the self-attested KYC documents to the nearest ICICI Bank Branch
  • Original KYC documents should be carried to the branch
  • In case of joint holder accounts, all holders’ KYC documents are to be submitted.
I have not been able to transact, as I have relocated. What should I do?

In case, of relocation/transfer from one place to another - Account portability is the answer.

Account number portability ensures that the account is ported to an identified branch without changing the Account Number.

  • This process is applicable only for the transfer of Savings Account (Resident Savings, NRE Savings and NRO Savings) and linked Fixed Deposits under the same Savings Account. This process does not apply to standalone (opened in separate Cust ID) Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Current Accounts etc.


Active Accounts: (In case the account is ‘Inactive’, it can be activated by doing a single transaction, through any of the channels. Example: ATM, Internet Banking etc.)

  • The facility of account portability is available through the Internet Banking logged in section under the path: Customer Service → Service Request → Transfer Your Account Online
  • Also, customers can place a request for account portability by calling Phone Banking.


Dormant/Inactive/Active Accounts:

  • Standard format for
  • Note the purpose/reason of transferring the account, on the customer’s request
  • Signature should be as per the mode of operation in the account, in case of joint holding
  • In case the account is in a ‘Dormant’ status and/or in debit balance, it should be activated and normalised for account portability
  • Carry your original KYC documents
  • Refrain from doing any financial transactions for 2 days, of request processing.
I have relocated outside India and hence I have not been able to transact? What is the course of action?

Conversion of Resident Savings Account to NRO:

On change of the residential status from Domestic Indian to an NRI/PIO, the domestic Savings Account is required to be converted or re-designated an an NRO Account.


  • The primary holder of the account should be an NRI
  • In case, there is a resident joint holder the account will have mode of operation as ‘Former or Survivor’
  • The request can be placed through the ‘Service Request’ option in the Internet Banking logged in section
  • In service request, choose ‘Convert your SB Account to NRO Account’ request for conversion, by entering your Account Number
  • You need to upload your Passport and KYC documents, along with you FATCA declaration
  • Fill in the details as requested and confirm the request with your Debit Card grid and One-Time Password.
I am facing service issues. What is the course of action?

In case you require any further information, you may write to us at customer.care@icicibank.com from your registered e-mail ID or call our Customer Care.